Shengxin Liu


Associate Professor

School of Computer Science and Technology
Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen

Email: sxliu [at] hit [dot] edu [dot] cn

General Information

I am an associate professor at the School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen (official homepage in Chinese). Prior to this, I worked as a postdoc (hosted by Xiaohui Bei) at Nanyang Technological University and completed my PhD (advised by Minming Li) at The City University of Hong Kong.

My research focuses on computational economics (EconCS) and theoretical computer science (TCS). See DBLP for my full publication list.

Representative Work

Recently, I am interested in the fair division problem in which a set of resources is assigned to a set of agents in a fair manner. In particular, I aim at the generalizations of the classic fair division problem that capture real-world scenarios. Here are some representative papers.

Fair Division: Mixed Divisible and Indivisible Goods (Mixed Goods)

The resources to be allocated contain both divisible and indivisible goods.

Fair Division: Allocator's Preference

Besides the agents, the allocator has the inclination to obtain a fair or efficient allocation based on her own preference.

Fair Division: Subjective Divisibility

Agents have subjective divisibility towards the set of resources.

Fair Division: Comparison-based Query

Instead of directly disclosing agents' valuations, the agent responds to the comparison-based query by indicating which of the two bundles she prefers.